Saturday, 20 September 2014

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47 Better Ways to Refer to Your Significant Other Than ‘Boyfriend’ or ‘Girlfriend’

By: Unknown On: 12:12
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  • 1. My significant other
    Well, it’s certainly a step above “insignificant other.”
    2. My SO
    If the only thing you love more than your SO is abbrevs. See also: BF, GF.
    3. My partner
    Gets the point across, but it sounds awfully official. Makes it easy to transition into running a law firm together, though.
    4. The missus / the mister
    Best used to refer to someone who isn’t technically your wife or your husband, because irony.
    5. My wifey
    See #4. Works well for both genders.
    6. My special someone
    Also how your grandmother might address you in a greeting card.
    7. My gentleman caller
    How very Glass Menagerie of you. Classy, yet vaguely scandalous.
    8. My lady friend / my man friend
    N.B.: One’s lady friend is not be confused with one’s special lady, at least according to the Dude.
    9. My soulmate
    The verbal equivalent of staring longingly into each other’s eyes for upwards of one minute in public.
    10. My lover
    The verbal equivalent of loudly making out for upwards of one minute in public.
    11. My main squeeze
    Physically squeezing your main squeeze is not necessarily recommended.
    12. My slampiece
    See also: my fuck buddy.
    13. My bottom bitch
    See also: my main bitch.
    14. The old balls and chain
    I am utterly mystified as to why my boyfriend doesn’t think my calling him this is nearly as hilarious as I do.
    15. The boy / the girl
    Definite articles = srs bsns.
    16. My guy / my girl
    See #15.  There can only be one.
    17. My Beyoncé
    The number one reason to ever accept anyone’s marriage proposal is so that you can refer to that person as your Beyoncé.
    18. My intended
    A charmingly old-timey, charmingly ambiguous choice.
    19. My plus-one
    He’ll stay by your side throughout the cash-bar wedding that is life.
    20. My euphemism
    As pioneered by the movie Best in Show: “This is my euphemism, Stefan.”
    21. My sweetheart 
    As far as you’re concerned, every part of your sweetheart’s anatomy is sweet. See also: my sweetkidneys.
    22. My gal pal / my boy toy
    Slightly demeaning, sure, but who cares? They rhyme!
    23. My arm candy
    I get it, but then again, I don’t get it. Why you would store candy on your arm? Let’s make “mouth candy” happen instead.
    24. My baby
    Minus the diapers and drool.
    25. My Yoko
    For the record, John and Paul had their own differences and she had virtually nothing to do with it.
    26. My better half
    I appreciate the somewhat medically alarming suggestion that we are physically conjoined to our better halves.
    27. My boo
    Like a ghost, but a sexy ghost.
    28. My old man / my old lady
    To avoid incurring your old man or old lady’s wrath, it’s probably best to use this one while you’re both still really, really young.
    29. My young man / my young lady
    Creepy, but nice. But creepy.
    30. My bb
    ilu tho
    31. The bae
    Too lazy to pronounce the extra letter in “babe?” This is the term of endearment for you.
    32. The object of my affection
    33. The object of my erection
    Like, penises.
    34. My swain
    A particularly good choice if you’re trying to improve your SAT vocab or working at the Ren Faire.
    35. My steady
    Works well if you’re a teen in the 1950s.
    36. My home skillet
    Works well if you’re a preteen in the early 2000s.
    37. My Valentine
    Just because it isn’t February 14 doesn’t mean the title doesn’t stand.
    38. My breezy
    Because I am 500 years old, I’ve never heard this term before, but the Internet tells me it’s real. The Internet may be lying.
    39. My bun
    Cinnamon, honey, or otherwise.
    40. My paramour
    Especially approps if you’re simultaneously dating everyone in the band Paramore.
    41. My true love
    I had a wonderful, wacky professor who endearingly referred to her husband this way, but it’s not an easy one to pull off.
    42. My beloved
    Best reserved for immortal vampires.
    43. My honey
    Because she’s sweet, and produced by bees.
    44. My companion
    Because he reminds you of your dog.
    45. My beau
    Pro tip: the plural is “beaux.”
    46. My suitor
    If you’re a princess with a sizable dowry.
    47. My POSSLQ (Persons of Opposite Sex Sharing Living Quarters)


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